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Cathy's 70th Bday party & Gayle La Rone's 80th!

  • The Conference Room (map)


My birthday … 70 years around on the planet! And Gayle has 80 years!

let’s have a party! At my old stomping grounds, outdoors, at The Conference Room in Playa Vista!

We’ll have a band of course!

Limited sit-ins tho! We want to mostly party and eat! :)

7:30 - 10:30. No presents necessary! Just come and buy food and drink for yourselves!


Call 310-862-6436

You will LOVE the food and the wine! Very very good!

And the first time finding the place/parking can be challenging,

so slow down and look with your eyeballs! See directions below.


LOCATED AT: 12181 Bluff Creek Dr. Suite A1, Playa Vista, CA 90094

TURN OFF OF BLUFF CREEK DR. onto "Campus Center Drive."

This parking Entrance is IMMEDIATELY after you turn on to Campus Center Drive from Bluff Creek Drive. (It comes up very quickly) It’s actually before the street you can turn on.

Get your parking ticket and make an immediate left up the short ramp to just the 1st floor parking level, make a LEFT, go to the end, and park anywhere. Get out of your car, and look for the blue handicap signs. Follow them out, make a sharp left, and walk to the end. You'll see the “Conference Room” & "Rodini" Go thru to the outdoor patio area.

**Parking is validated by the restaurant.